Thursday, 25 June 2015

Monday Muster

I know. It's not Monday, it's Thursday. Excuse my tardiness as I've been away on holiday! A working holiday, as it may, with my Family. If you follow us on Instagram you likely will have concluded that we embarked upon a sailing adventure aboard the majestical Empire Sandy, a 200 ft., 3 masted, Tern

Monday, 15 June 2015

Monday Muster

Muster Midships! 

Yet another week has passed us by. I've noticed through this commitment I've made to posting every Monday, just how fast the week passes. June will all too soon come to an end, there's only another week of school for our Boy and then the summer and Pan Am Games mayhem will be upon us. What

Monday, 8 June 2015

Monday Muster

Muster Midships!

This weeks muster is brought to you by my Husband Gordon. He hasn't had much of a presence here on our blog, though he has certainly provided plenty of insight, inspiration, and most importantly, a great deal of editing of my posts. This week, the photos have been taken by Gordon. These Toronto

Monday, 1 June 2015

Monday Muster

Muster Midships! 

Wow! Monday sure comes around quick! Here's this past week summed up. The pic above is of the coils of lines we have hanging from the rail on our bow.